New Leadership for Business Transformation

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Business transformation is best managed when there are smart leaders who recognize the needs of the organization and are willing to guide it on the right direction. Smart leadership is a critical capability that companies need in order to address all the transformational changes required to build a data-driven culture in the organization. Furthermore, leadership is a critical competency to embrace Big Data throughout the organization and bring the benefits of data science to fruition.

Paradoxically, as companies increase their reliance on data and algorithms for decision-making and the automation of routine, information-intensive tasks increases, so does the importance of interpersonal leadership skills between smart transformational leaders. Companies that pursue deep transformation need good leaders with a vision not only to improve some processes and make them work more efficiently, but to profoundly transform the organization around three key areas: customer experience, operational processes, and new business models.

…continue reading here.

Note: this article was originally published by the author in FrontiersInBusinessTransformation

Francisco J. Navarro-Meneses
Francisco J. Navarro-Meneses
Professor of Business Transformation and Economics

My current research focuses on the study of frontier issues in business transformation and the modeling of value creation in service industries as complex systems

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